supported by ERC advanced Grant 740021-ARThUs


Advances in the Research on Theories of the Dark Universe

ARThUs studies the effect of inhomogeneities in relativistic cosmology on average properties of cosmological models, related to the Dark Energy and Dark Matter problems.
See here for a recent discussion on the relevance of these effects.

Public Outreach

'Cosmic Update' - a book of Springer 'Multiversal Journeys'. 'Un autre Cosmos' - a book of Vuibert 'Philosophie des Sciences'.

Internet Comments: (comment by Sean Carroll) October 2005 (in English) / (New Scientist) March 7, 2008 (in English) / (Neue Züricher Zeitung) 2008, April 9 (in German) / (Cosmos) April 2008 (in English) / (New Scientist) May 23, 2008 (in English) / May 24, 2008 (in English) / (La Recherche 422) November, 2008 (in French) / (Spektrum der Wissenschaft) August, 2009 (in German) / (Scienzainrete) October 2010 (in English) / (Cosmos) May 2011 (in English) / (franceTVinfo) May 2012 (in French) / (Le Monde) May 2012 (in French) / (MyScienceWorld on Karl Popper) December 2013 (in English) / (Comment by University of Chile) May 2015 (in Spanish) / (New Scientist) June 18, 2016 (in English) / (Comment by La Revue Mensuelle) June 30, 2016 (in French) / (Interview by La Revue Mensuelle) August 16, 2016 (in French) / (Science) April 3, 2017 (in English) / (Science) November 25, 2017 (in English) / (Pop Science Univ Lyon) July 12, 2019 (in French) / (Physics 12, 105) September 27, 2019 (in English) / (Note by David Mumford) March 1, 2021 (in English), published in November 2021 / (Live Science, by Paul Sutter) July 19, 2021 (in English) / (Quanta Magazine, by Charlie Wood) December 13, 2021 (in English) / (Telescope live, Blog by Daniel Papp) March 9, 2025 (in English)

Record of Impact (Google)

Last Update: March 10, 2025

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